It's just so easy

You have a great restaurant, hotel or other type of public facing business ...

MyReviews allows to easily add your customer
reviews to your site with no coding effort.

It's as easy as adding the snippet to your site, configure your Business name

MyReviews Demo

Show how much your customers love your business?

Customer feedback as word of mouth is a great way to improve and expand your customer base

Add My Reviews on Add MyReviews app to your website

You can display your Google and Yelp reviews by adding a Wix App to your site. See the app on the Wix Market

Wix Control panel for ease of configuration

You can add your Google and Yelp places straight from the control panel.

Fully customisable design

You can change almost any aspects of MyReviews to fit your site look and fill including backgrounds, border, colours and logo styles.

Show all the reviews or just a summary

You can just display the summary of your reviews or enable the display of the full reviews.